Sunday 8 January 2012

Indoor Cycling

Indoor cycling on a trainer is a great way to maintain fitness over the winter months when the weather is terrible. Luckily living on the west coast means I can usually ride year round without too much trouble.

Another cool benefit to owning a bike trainer is that I can ride whenever I want. It proves pretty
challenging to try and schedule riding time amognst all the other things a working father of three has to do. So I can ride after the kids are tucked away in bed.
If you have ever ridden a bike trainer indoors you probably already know it is pretty monotonous business. My wife has a definite advantage over me in the indoor cycling department. She can fire up Netflix, put on a movie and grind out a 60-90 minute session with ease. On the other hand, I'm not really into movies so I have a lot of trouble putting in solid time on the trainer.
I have a few interval sessions that keep me occupied with the changes in pace every few minutes. Put on some music and follow the prompts from my Garmin and it's easy to get a good workout.
I was reading Cycling Tips one day, and noticed they had a review of a series of videos called The Sufferfest. It sounded like a fun way to spend time indoor cycling. I still wasn't quite sure, so I thought I would try out the cheapest option, which was a 20 minute workout video called Extra Shot.

The Sufferfest - Extra Shot

I watched the video before hand, just to see what it was like. I remained skeptical until I actually watched the video and followed the instructions while on the trainer. It was a lot of fun! Definitely adds some spice to indoor cycling. The on screen instructions were easy to follow and the music was well suited to the different parts of the video. The videos cost a maximum of $11.99 so they are definitely affordable.
If you are interested in adding some excitement to your indoor cycling, you should definitely check out The Sufferfest 

1 comment:

  1. Cool idea. I've wussed out on running outside lately.I'm not sure if the elliptical machine in the living room is the solution or the problem.
