Monday, 11 February 2013

2013 Preseason Training - One Month Results

I've made it through my first month of my training plan.

One drawback that I have realized is I don't have a reliable way to track if I'm making any progress. I only have my weight on the scale and my KOM times on Strava.

My motivation has remained high throughout the first four weeks. I've only missed one scheduled workout, helping my daughter with some of her homework. Including my exteme boot camp workouts, I'm spending close to seven hours a week training. I feel this is close to the maximum I can manage with the kids in school and my wife working. Not perfect, but a definite step up from last year.

I'm really enjoying the extreme boot camp I'm doing at the local recreation centre. The mix of strength, plyometric, and cardio exercises is perfect.

I'm sticking fairly well to my nutrition ideas. I'm spending more time eating whole foods & plant-based meals while trying my best to avoid fast food and processed foods. I'm still working on reducing coffee and soda consumption. My worst days are Mondays, when I work my graveyard shift. It just throws everything right off.

Totals so far:

Training Time: 29:14:16
Kilometres: 742.9
Weight: 168.4 lbs

1 comment:

  1. Get rid of the sugar and carbs, and you will have energy to burn slowly, rather than energy that just burns off. I am off of the coffee and pop. The pop is some horrible stuff. HFCS is terrible--like terrible like the devil. Put good fuel in your body and you will notice the progess when you ride with others. Bingo! The answer to your question on progress! Other riders!
